• Improving quality of care and patient decision-making
  • Management of stress urinary incontinence in older adults
  • Understanding financial incentives in healthcare within urology
  • Improving healthcare value through reducing inefficiencies and costs in urologic care
  • Understanding clinical and quality of life outcomes of patients with urologic congenitalism
  • Conducting research on a variety of conditions within trauma and adult reconstruction
Dr. Hampson's research interests integrate her background of ethics, health policy, and urologic trauma and reconstruction in order to conduct health services and outcomes research. She has authored numerous articles and book chapters on these topics. Her research has been supported by an NIH career development (K) award from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, an NIH GEMSSTAR (R03) award from the National Institute of Aging, a Pepper Center Research Education Core Advanced Scholar grant, and a Doris Duke Charitable Foundation grant.