Lindsay Hampson, MD, MAS

Assoc Professor In Residence
+1 415 353-2200

Bladder exstrophy in adulthood: A narrative review of transitional health.

Journal of pediatric urology

Lopez AD, Shaw NM, DiCarlo H, Weiss D, Hampson LA

Increased Hospital Encounters in Individuals With Spina Bifida Compared to the General Population: Statewide Healthcare Utilization in California From 1995-2017.

Urology practice

Siddeek MH, Castro C, Goldberg DE, Allen IE, Fernandez AM, Grant R, Kyaw TS, Patel HV, Hampson LA, Copp HL

Sexual and Urinary Health among Women following Bariatric Surgery.

Obesity surgery

Lopez AD, Carter J, Rubin R, Allen IE, Shaw NM, Hampson LA

Emergency Department Utilization among People with Spina Bifida in California, 2005-2017.

American journal of preventive medicine

Fernandez A, Vélez CA, Goldberg D, Kyaw TS, Allen IE, Copp HL, Hampson LA

Patients With Spina Bifida Have Longer Length of Hospital Stay: Statewide Health Care Utilization in California From 1995 to 2017.

Urology practice

Vélez-Morell CA, Sadighian MJ, Goldberg D, Allen IE, Fernandez A, Copp HL, Hampson LA

Urinary and Oral Microbiota Among Men Undergoing Buccal Urethroplasty.


Kyaw TS, Patel HV, Jones C, Ha CWY, Khan AR, Hampson LA, Breyer BN, Shaw NM

Letter to the Editor: GURS Multi-institutional Trials.


Johnsen NV, Hagedorn JC, Anele U, Gupta S, Hampson L, Nikolavsky D

Multidisciplinary management in Fournier's gangrene.

Current problems in surgery

Koch GE, Abbasi B, Agoubi L, Breyer BN, Clark N, Dick BP, Friedrich JB, Hampson LA, Hernandez A, Maine R, Osterberg EC, Teal L, Woodle CT, Hagedorn JC

Editorial Commentary.

Urology practice

Bowman M, Hampson LA

Complications and Surgeon Health: Resources for individuals and institutions.

Urologic oncology

Prakash G, Peters CE, Badalato G, Hampson LA, Raman JD, Bagrodia A



Hampson LA, Hacker EC

Editorial Comment.

Urology practice

Bowman M, Hampson LA

Editorial Comment.

Urology practice

Bowman M, Hampson LA

Patient Characteristics Associated with Sexual Interest and Activity Among Adults with Spina Bifida.


Hacker EC, Lai LY, Baradaran N, Elaine Allen I, Breyer BN, Copp HL, Hampson LA

Reviewer of the Month.

Urology practice

Hampson LA

How older men live with stress urinary incontinence: Patient experience and navigation to treatment.

Neurourology and urodynamics

Shaw NM, Breyer BN, Walter LC, Sudore RL, Suskind AM, Baussan C, Quanstrom K, Allen IE, Cooperberg MR, Dohan D, Hampson LA

Bridging Gaps in Urology Training.

Urology practice

Bowman M, Breyer BN, Hampson LA

Access and Utilization of Healthcare by Adults with Spina Bifida.


Lai LY, Lopez AD, Copp HL, Baradaran N, Breyer BN, Elaine Allen I, Hampson LA

Evaluation of urology trainee preferences in didactic education: a choice-based conjoint analysis.

Frontiers in medicine

Li Y, Spradling K, Allen IE, Conti S, Hampson LA

Response to Editorial Comment.


Hampson LA, Shaw NM

Special series on the surgical management of stress urinary incontinence in men.

Translational andrology and urology

Chung PH, Hampson LA

Patient-Identified Treatment Attributes among Older Men with Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Qualitative Look at What Matters to Patients Making Treatment Decisions.


Hampson LA, Shaw N, Breyer BN, Walter LC, Sudore RL, Cooperberg MR, Baussan C, Quanstrom K, Elaine Allen I, Dohan D

The relationship between frailty, incontinence severity, and treatment decisions for men with post-prostatectomy stress urinary incontinence: a mixed methods analysis.

Translational andrology and urology

Jones CP, Shaw NM, Mena J, Breyer BN, Walter LC, Baussan C, Quanstrom K, Allen IE, Dohan D, Hampson LA

Patient decision-making for surgical treatment of post-prostatectomy stress urinary incontinence: a mixed-methods exploratory pilot study.

Translational andrology and urology

Shaw NM, Nik-Ahd F, Jones C, Breyer BN, Walter LC, Sudore R, Cooperberg MR, Baussan C, Quanstrom K, Allen IE, Hampson LA

Editorial Commentary.

Urology practice

Shaw NM, Hampson LA

Kidney transplant access for children and young adults with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract.

International urology and nephrology

Wei J, Showen A, Bicki A, Lin F, McCulloch CE, Ku E, Hampson LA

Evaluation of the Educational Impact of the Urology Collaborative Online Video Didactics Lecture Series.


Tuong MNE, Winkelman AJ, Yang JH, Sorensen MD, Kielb SJ, Hampson LA, Hagedorn JC, Conti SL, Borofsky MS, Ambani SN, Kern NG

Editorial Comment.

The Journal of urology

Shaw N, Hampson L

Standardized Letters of Recommendation and Success in the Urology Match.


Nabavizadeh B, Hakam N, Shaw NM, Hampson LA, Penson DF, Breyer BN

Online Collaborative Learning in Urology.

Current urology reports

Li Y, Kern NG, Conti SL, Hampson LA

Predictors of Regret Among Older Men After Stress Urinary Incontinence Treatment Decisions.

The Journal of urology

Hampson LA, Suskind AM, Breyer BN, Cooperberg MR, Sudore RL, Keyhani S, Allen IE, Walter LC

Characterizing Standardized Letters of Recommendation in Urology Residency Applications.


Nabavizadeh B, Hakam N, Sadighian MJ, Holler JT, Amend GM, Hampson LA, Penson DF, Breyer BN

Formal Mentorship as an Opportunity to Expand the Urology Pipeline: UnderRepresented Trainees Entering Residency (UReTER) Program Evaluation 2020-2021.


Zheng MY, Overland M, Escobar D, Fakunle M, Li Y, Chu C, Balakrishnan A, Shee K, Washington S, Hampson L

Understanding the Health Characteristics and Treatment Choices of Older Men with Stress Urinary Incontinence.


Hampson LA, Suskind AM, Breyer BN, Lai L, Cooperberg MR, Sudore RL, Keyhani S, Allen IE, Walter LC

Resilience and associated characteristics in adults with spina bifida.

Developmental medicine and child neurology

Showen AE, Copp HL, Allen IE, Hampson LA

Evaluating the impact of surgical supply cost variation during partial nephrectomy on patient outcomes.

Translational andrology and urology

Balakrishnan AS, Hampson LA, Bell AM, Baghdanian AH, Baghdanian AA, Meng MV, Odisho AY

Characteristics Associated with Depression, Anxiety, and Social Isolation in Adults with Spina Bifida.


Showen A, Copp HL, Allen IE, Baradaran N, Liaw A, Hampson LA

Dedicated Residency Research Time and Its Relationship to Urologic Career Academic Success.


Lee A, Namiri N, Rios N, Enriquez A, Hampson LA, Pruthi RS, Breyer BN

Capturing the Perspective of Prospective Urology Applicants: Impacts of COVID-19 on Medical Education.


Hanson KA, Borofsky MS, Lindsay AH, Breyer BN, Kern NG, Conti SL, Kielb SJ, Sorensen MD

Multi-Institutional Collaborative Resident Education in the Era of COVID-19.

Urology practice

Li Y, Chu C, de la Calle CM, Baussan C, Ambani SN, Borofsky MS, Breyer BN, Conti SL, Hagedorn JC, Halpern JA, Kern NG, Kielb SJ, Schenkman NS, Sorensen MD, Yang JH, Hampson LA

Demographics and baseline care among newly transitioning adult congenital urology patients.

Journal of pediatric urology

Leva NV, Copp HL, Quanstrom K, Hampson LA

Urethral Defect in Setting of Recurrent Urethral Foreign Body Insertion.


Simms A, Chappidi M, Yang H, Hampson L, Breyer B, Cohen AJ

The Impact of Frailty on Artificial Urinary Sphincter Placement and Removal Procedures.


Medendorp AR, Anger JT, Jin C, Amin KA, Hampson LA, Lee UJ, Suskind AM

Long-term follow-up of urethral reconstruction for blunt urethral injury at a young age: urinary and sexual quality of life outcomes.

Journal of pediatric urology

Baradaran N, McAninch JW, Copp HL, Quanstrom K, Breyer BN, Hampson LA

Dorsal buccal graft urethroplasty in female urethral stricture disease: a multi-center experience.

Translational andrology and urology

Hampson LA, Myers JB, Vanni AJ, Virasoro R, Smith TG, Capiel L, Chandrapal J, Voelzke BB



Voelzke BB, Sinanan M, Hampson LA

Does routine repeat imaging change management in high-grade renal trauma? Results from three level 1 trauma centers.

World journal of urology

Bayne DB, Tresh A, Baradaran N, Murphy G, Osterberg EC, Ogawa S, Wenzel J, Hampson L, McAninch J, Breyer B

Long-term complications of continent catheterizable channels: a problem for transitional urologists.

Translational andrology and urology

Hampson LA, Baradaran N, Elliott SP

Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Urethral Reconstruction.

Current urology reports

Baradaran N, Hampson LA, Edwards TC, Voelzke BB, Breyer BN

Operating Room Supply Cost Awareness: A Cross-Sectional Analysis.

Urology practice

Schmidt B, Meng MV, Hampson LA

Conservative Management of High-grade Renal Trauma Does Not Lead to Prolonged Hospital Stay.


Hampson LA, Radadia KD, Odisho AY, McAninch JW, Breyer BN

Genital burns in the United States: Disproportionate prevalence in the pediatric population.

Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries

Tresh A, Baradaran N, Gaither TW, Fergus KB, Liaw A, Balakrishnan A, Hampson LA, Breyer BN

Surgical and Functional Outcomes Following Buried Penis Repair With Limited Panniculectomy and Split-thickness Skin Graft.


Hampson LA, Muncey W, Chung PH, Ma CC, Friedrich J, Wessells H, Voelzke BB

Understanding patients' preferences for surgical management of urethral stricture disease.

World journal of urology

Hampson LA, Lin TK, Wilson L, Allen IE, Gaither TW, Breyer BN

Use of Conjoint Analysis to Determine Patient Preferences for Surgical Treatment of Urethral Stricture Disease.

Journal of participatory medicine

Wilson L, Lin TK, Hampson LA, Oh A, Ting J, Gaither T, Allen I, Breyer BN

Low-Volume vs High-Volume Centers and Management of Fournier's Gangrene in Washington State.

Journal of the American College of Surgeons

Osbun N, Hampson LA, Holt SK, Gore JL, Wessells H, Voelzke BB



Hampson LA, Breyer BN

Variation and Predictors of Surgical Case Costs among Urologists.

Urology practice

Hampson LA, Odisho AY, Meng MV, Carroll PR

Patient-centered Treatment Decisions for Urethral Stricture: Conjoint Analysis Improves Surgical Decision-making.


Hampson LA, Allen IE, Gaither TW, Lin T, Ting J, Osterberg EC, Wilson L, Breyer BN

Multicenter Analysis of Urinary Urgency and Urge Incontinence in Patients with Anterior Urethral Stricture Disease before and after Urethroplasty.

The Journal of urology

Hampson LA, Elliott SP, Erickson BA, Vanni AJ, Myers JB, McClung C, Breyer BN, Smith TG, Hagedorn JC, Voelzke BB

Major genitourinary-related bicycle trauma: Results from 20 years at a level-1 trauma center.


Osterberg EC, Awad MA, Gaither TW, Sanford T, Alwaal A, Hampson LA, Yoo J, McAninch JW, Breyer BN

Ability of Surgical Residents to Impact Patient Tobacco Use in the Perioperative Setting.

Urology practice

Brajtbord JS, Odisho AY, Meng MV, Hampson LA

Impact of age on quality-of-life outcomes after treatment for localized prostate cancer.

European urology

Hampson LA, Cowan JE, Zhao S, Carroll PR, Cooperberg MR

Determinants of nephrostomy tube dislodgment after percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

Journal of endourology

Bayne D, Taylor ER, Hampson L, Chi T, Stoller ML

Male urethral strictures and their management.

Nature reviews. Urology

Hampson LA, McAninch JW, Breyer BN

Innovative surgical techniques for managing Peyronie's disease: a video presentation.

Translational andrology and urology

Odisho AY, Hampson LA, Lue TF

Conflict of interest in urology.

The Journal of urology

Hampson LA, Montie JE

Frequency, type, and monetary value of financial conflicts of interest in cancer clinical research.

Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology

Hampson LA, Joffe S, Fowler R, Verter J, Emanuel EJ

Patients' views on financial conflicts of interest in cancer research trials.

The New England journal of medicine

Hampson LA, Agrawal M, Joffe S, Gross CP, Verter J, Emanuel EJ

Exploring the ethics of clinical research in an urban community.

American journal of public health

Grady C, Hampson LA, Wallen GR, Rivera-Goba MV, Carrington KL, Mittleman BB

End-of-life care: the authors respond.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Hampson LA, Emanuel EJ

Physicians advising investment firms.


Hampson LA, Emanuel EJ

The prognosis for changes in end-of-life care after the Schiavo case.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Hampson LA, Emanuel EJ

Inducing high levels of carbon monoxide in a tent.

The American journal of emergency medicine

Hampson NB, Hampson LA

Task force 2: Investigator participation in clinical research.

Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Califf RM, Nissen SE, DeMaria AN, Ohman EM, Pitt B, Willerson JT, Bilheimer DW, Cohn JN, Feigal DW, Hampson L, Lorell BH, Pepine CJ, Popp RL

Family history as a predictor of asthma risk.

American journal of preventive medicine

Burke W, Fesinmeyer M, Reed K, Hampson L, Carlsten C